I am a black woman that is married to a hispanic man, and my children are biracial. I see nothing wrong with this but some people do. Why does my relationship bother them? It shouldn’t but it does. Most people feel that you shouldn’t date outside your race but love is not close minded. Close minded individuals are afraid of change they live in fear of things that go against what “they” view as right. Love doesn’t see color and if he, she, them, or they, think it does something is wrong. 

 Some people think that having children that are biracial is wrong  because the kids won’t have a normal life, what is normal to them? They say the kids will be called names, the kids will be shunned in public for looking different, the kids will be confused on who they are……HA HA HA I laugh at ignorance. 

I raised my children to love everyone no matter the color and don’t be judgmental of others. Let me ask you these questions;  Have you ever dated outside your race? Would you date outside your race? Do you see anything wrong with someone dating outside their race? 

It shouldn’t matter who you date or marry as long as you are happy. Don’t let anyone stop you from being with the person you want to be with. I remember I was in a relationship with someone (not naming names) and he was a business owner, he couldn’t be with me in public because he would lose business from his white customers because he was dating a black woman. I’m not trying to be in a secret relationship so  when he told me this I quickly ended the relationship because I refused to be hidden. 

I am so thankful for my family, I wouldn’t trade them for the world. You can’t help who you fall in love with and no one should stop you from being in a relationship with someone you love based on their skin color, be with who brings out the best in you and makes you happy. 

4 thoughts on “Interracial Relationships 

  1. Great Blog….love should be color blind. Acceptance of someone else’s, choices is what is what’s right, not imposing your beliefs on others and judging them when they don’t see things your way. Keep keeping it real my friend.

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